Home Comfort Retrofits

Home Comfort Retrofits is based in Kilcock in Co. Kildare and is part of a group of companies including MOS Mechanical Services, MSM Renewables and North City Builders. We are registered with SEAI as a provider of Individual Upgrades and since 2023 we are registered as an SEAI One Stop Shop solution provider. We provide energy assessments, individual upgrades and One Stop Shop upgrades for homes throughout Ireland.

The team at Home Comfort Retrofits have vast experience across all areas of the heating, plumbing and construction industries and is committed to delivering exceptional service, high-quality workmanship and aftersales support to clients and ensuring that every homeowner will be happy to recommend Home Comfort Retrofits to a friend!


Fabric First

Our ‘fabric first’ approach means that we will improve the efficiency of the physical building and ensure your home is suitable for low energy heating systems such as a Heatpump. This fabric first approach involves installing high levels of insulation at roof, wall and where possible, floor level, fitting highly energy efficient windows and doors, greatly improving the air tightness levels, reducing and where possible, eliminating any thermal bridges in the construction and eliminating all the traditional, hole in the wall ventilation openings.


All Under One Roof

The Home Comfort Retrofits team can deliver all elements of your upgrade directly without relying on outside contractors ensuring we can plan your home retrofit efficiently to minimize disruption during any works.


Customer Service Promise

Exceptional customer service is our priority. A happy customer will be our best ambassador – we bet our reputation on it!

  1. Dedicated Project Team – Each project has a dedicated customer service contact and project manager – so you will always know who is looking after your home.
  2. Our own Specialist Teams – We look after all elements of your upgrade directly with our in-house specialist teams so we don’t have down time waiting for outside contractors.
  3. Fast & Efficient – We understand that any work in your home will disrupt your life – our aim is to complete all work as quickly as possible so you can enjoy your warm, comfortable home.
  4. Clear Communication – You will have a dedicated point of contact who will keep you informed at every stage of your home upgrade – from the first consultation to the final handover.
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