
We at Home Comfort Retrofits are committed to dealing effectively with any complaints you may have about our service. If we get something wrong, we will apologize and where possible we will try to put things right. We also aim to learn from our mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services in the future.

When to use our complaints procedure

When you complain to us, we will usually respond in the way we explain below. Sometimes, you might be concerned about matters or services that are not decided by us and in these cases, we will advise you about how to make your concerns known. Examples of matters not decided by us might include, but are not limited to, SEAI scheme requirements and grant amounts, services of Home Comfort Retrofits external partners or suppliers of materials and equipment.

Informal Resolution

We believe it is best to deal with concerns as quickly as possible and in the easiest and most direct way. If you have a complaint, in the first instance, please raise it with your Site Supervisor who will try to resolve it for you there and then. However, they may need time to look into your complaint and where this is the case they will update you on progress within 5 working days of your initial complaint. In addition they will inform our Customer Services Manager so that we can learn any necessary lessons and improve our services in the future. If our site supervisor cannot resolve your issue, they will inform you why and outline how you can make a formal complaint to our Customer Services Manager.

How to complain formally

You can make a formal complaint to us by contacting our Customer Services Manager at:

Customer Services Manager
Home Comfort Retrofits
The Enterprise Centre
Co Kildare
W23 A2T8
Phone – 01 9125236 or Email –

This Customer Charter, as well as our contact details are also displayed on our website:

What to include in your complaint

  • Remember to state your name, address and telephone number (and email, if applicable)
  • State whether you are acting on your own behalf or on behalf of someone else
  • Briefly describe what your complaint is about and give relevant date, time, location if
  • List your specific concerns starting with the most important concern

Dealing with your complaint

We will formally acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 working days and let you know how we intend to deal with it. If you are making a complaint on behalf of somebody else, we will need their agreement that you are acting on their behalf.


We will tell you who we have assigned to investigate your complaint. If your complaint is straightforward, we will usually appoint one of our staff to look into it and get back to you. If there is a simple solution to your problem, we may ask you if you are happy to accept this. In some cases, if the complaint is serious, we may ask someone from outside our company to investigate. We will aim to resolve concerns as quickly as possible and expect to deal with the vast majority of complaints within 20 working days.


If we formally investigate your complaint, we will let you know what we have found. If we find that we did something wrong, we will always apologize and tell you why this happened. With your approval, we will aim to put things right as quickly as possible and outline how we will do this.

Learning lessons

We take your complaints seriously and try to learn from any mistakes or weaknesses in our services or systems. Our senior management team considers a summary of all complaints on a regular basis as well as details of any serious complaints. Where there is a need for change, we will develop an action plan setting out what we will do, who will do it and when we plan to do it by.

What we would ask of you

In times of trouble or distress, some people may act out of character. There may have been upsetting or distressing circumstances leading up to a complaint. We do not view behaviour as unacceptable just because someone is forceful or determined. We believe that all complainants have the right to be heard, understood and respected. However, we also consider that our staff have the same rights. We, therefore, expect you to be polite and courteous in your dealings with us. We will not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour, unreasonable demands or unreasonable persistence.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact our Managing Director to inform him and ask him to investigate on your behalf. His contact details are:

The Managing Director
Home Comfort Retrofits
The Enterprise Centre
Co Kildare
W23 A2T8
Phone – 01 9125236 or Email –

Our Managing Director will, within 5 working days, acknowledge receipt of your contact and outline his plan of action. He will commit to review your original complaint and examine any evidence/documentation as well as speak to our Customer Services Manager about the case. He will aim to complete his review and communicate his findings and outcome to you, within 20 days of receiving your original appeal request.

Regardless of any complaints, investigations or outcomes we may process, as a consumer, you have statutory rights in consumer and Irish law and are free at any time to pursue and vindicate those rights with any third party you feel is appropriate.

Privacy and Confidentiality

At Home Comfort Retrofits we are fully committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of you and your personal data. All information, both personal and business, provided by you, will be dealt with in total confidence and in a manner that respects your dignity and right to privacy. We will fully comply with current legislation and regulations relating to GDPR and Data Protection and have developed and implemented a GDPR and Data Protection Policy
which is available to view on our website:


Home Comfort Retrofits was founded and developed on the principle of delivering a first class customer service and we hope, as portrayed by our actions, as well as your dealings with us, to date, we are fully delivering on that principle. We believe in and are fully committed to “Putting the Customer First” and will strive at every opportunity to do so.

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