Air Tightness
Poor air tightness levels result in significant heat loss and inefficiency in many homes. Air tight homes are key for energy efficiency and also for protecting a building’s structure and preventing dampness and mold.
Airtight homes are warm and comfortable so as part of your retrofit Home Comfort Retrofits will assess the air movement and identify where the issues are arising.

About Air Tightness
Several common areas in buildings result in poor air tightness levels and these include things like; gaps, cracks and holes in the envelope; poorly fitted windows, doors and services; the attic hatch, hot press and open fires; unsealed cables, ducts, fittings and pipes; to mention just a few. When leaks are identified all fittings, duct, pipe, cable, window, door, access hatch, surface and junction will need to be sealed using a variety of different purpose made, air tightness products such as membranes, tapes, sealants, liquid seals, boxing and grommets.
As Air tightness is improved it is important to consider mechanical ventilation particularly as we close up existing wall vents, open fires and wet room extractor fans.
Air tightness is also referred to as air leakage or air permeability testing which determines the level of airflow through the fabric of building which can result in heat loss and draughts. Our specialist team will advise you on the best options for your home.